Maintained by:
Petter Nilsen
Kjell Irgens
HTML Conversion:
Neil Bothwick
ParM will show simular (bad) behaviour when started from WB, so start if from CLI whenever possible.
mprotect `getenv thor/bbsdatapath` RWD group RWD other RWD all
XPK packing is supported directly in THOR, and this is more efficient than running THOR on a partition with XPK. However, there seem to be problems when using RAKE as compressior, but later NUKE versions has been tested and works fine. If you have a problem with RAKE or any other methods, NUKE is generally a good alternative.
THOR World Wide Web site:
These sites might contain fixes, ARexx scripts etc. not released on Aminet.
If you want to quit ConnectTHOR, use the Quit menu item instead.